

花路拾街|Hlcity: 咖啡

OOPS’ 驚奇咖啡

OOPS’ 坐落在軒轅路上,一間優雅靜謐的餐廳,進門映入眼簾的鋼琴以及牆面上掛滿地方藝術家手繪畫作,寬敞舒適的動線,室內轉折處充滿驚奇的小角落,整間店洋溢著悠閒趣味的氛圍。 餐飲方面,主打手作餐點以及花式咖啡,滿足味蕾與視覺上的享受;另外,還供應及多種口味的「比利時啤酒」,適合情侶約會、朋友小聚、品酒聊天的好地方喔。  || 關於驚奇咖啡 || *個人/每人最低基本消費$70(不合併消費)。 *禁止攜帶外食(若有需要慶生,蛋糕可以提前告知服務人員幫您冷藏。如果您有帶小寶寶,副食品不列入外食。) *如果您有毛寶貝需要陪您一同用餐請先告知服務人員,我們非常歡迎,界門綱目科屬種不受限,放出來當然以沒有關係,但他們都還只是個孩子,麻煩請盡到飼主該有的責任,不要影響到其他人! *假日用餐時間限制為兩個小時;平日可以依照現場的狀況做調整,可以為兩個小時以上。 *如果您是食用鍋邊素,店內有提供蛋奶素,沒有全素喔。 *只有現金結帳,吃喝完再結帳,因為不想一來就跟你要錢!但是….離開前要記得付款啊!忘記沒關係,誠實很重要! *沒有併桌服務,但如果您因為人多想聚集在一起能先與我們服務人員討論,我們會盡量滿足您們的歡樂。 OOPS驚奇咖啡粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/OOPS.TAIWAN/Read More

Black Road

where:No. 48, Zhongshan Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County time:Friday~Monday,11:30-20:30 / (close on Thursday) Black Road is a beautiful restrant sitting on one of the biggest road—Zong Shang road in Hualien city. The reason whyRead More

Red Hat Cafe

where:No. 236, Nanjing St., Hualien City, Hualien Countytime:Monday~Sunday,07:30-17:00 The Red Hat Cafe is a coffee shop operate in Hualien more then a decade. Locals often go there to have a relaxing afternoon. All ofRead More

Showa 58

where:No. 306, Chenggong St., Hualien City, Hualien County time:Saturday~Thursday,13:00-19:00 / (close on Friday) The owner of Showa 58 likes the old coffee shop at Showa era when she(or he) study how to make dessertRead More

Coffee Flash

where:No. 17, Ln. 80, Minguo Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County time:Monday~Sunday,09:00-17:00 You can hardly find Coffee Flash even if you take google map on your hand. Coffee Flash is hiding in a small alley,Read More

Apartment Giocare Café

where:No. 316, Chenggong St., Hualien City, Hualien County time:Thursday~Tuesday,14:00~20:00 / (close on Wednesday) The Apartment Giocare Café was once a laundry at old Hualien city. To preserve the vibe of acient building, the ownerRead More

Taku Syousya Cafe & Bar

where:No. 460, Fujian St., Hualien City, Hualien Countytime:Tuesday~Sunday,14:00-00:00 / (close on Monday) After rebuild the 60 years old ancient dormitory building, the To。Taku Syousya Cafe & Bar become the most famous check-in speace atRead More


where:No. 298, Chenggong St., Hualien City, Hualien County time:Wednesday~Monday,14:00-22:00 / (close on tuesday) KOHI is the Japaness pronunciation of ‘coffee’. And the skill to make a cup of coffee in KOHI Taku is calledRead More

Café Copita

where:No. 320, Chenggong St., Hualien City, Hualien County time:Monday~Sunday,20:00-00:00 / (close on Wednesday) Every drink in Café Copita, including fruit drink, nitro cold brew coffee, and tea latte, is carefully selected by the ownerRead More