

Homey Diner

Homey Diner

何時在:週五~週三,11:30-14:00、17:00-20:00 / 每週四、日上午休
April 12, 2019

where:No. 6-2, Mingxin St., Hualien City, Hualien County
time:Friday~Wednesday,11:30-14:00、17:00-20:00 / (close on thursday、Sundaymorning)

The signature dish of Homey Diner is its sous vide cooking cuisine. They serve all kinds of donburi –which is a kind of Japaness food, put the rice in a bowl and other ingredients on top–here, but the mean cooking style is sous vide. This cooking method comes from France, and been used in professional kitchens for years. Low temperature and vacuum-sealed bag keep the food moist and full of flavor. If you go to Homey Diner, and you can enjoy its sous vide cooking dish with affordable price. It’s like eating at home.

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